Three distinct vibes in one beautiful box. The Collection is perfect for figuring out what you like. Or if you’re like me for mixing and matching to suit the occasion.|These curated blends of cannabis and botanicals were formulated by Drew Martin an award-winning mixologist and herbalist to harness the power of plants through cannabinoids terpenes and botanicals.|Each box contains six pre-rolls two each of the following blends:||Be Open | Rose Petal + Hybrid|13% THC|The gentle aroma of rose petals envelops you clearing your mind. A refreshing tingle of peppermint swirls around the hybrid cannabis cultivar leaving you feeling balanced and more open to the world around you. You exhale “Be open.”||+|Be Still | Lavender + Indica|13% THC|The familiar scent of lavender surrounds you transporting you to a place of relaxation. You feel yourself unwind as the indica cultivar melds with the restful properties of lavender and passionflower. You close your eyes and exhale “Be still.”||+|Be Bright | Ginger + Sativa|13% THC|A burst of ginger grabs your attention. The bright spice collides with the citrus-driven sativa cultivar stimulating your mind and body. You find yourself on the dance floor and exhale “Be bright.”